
By Chicagowillie

Yard work weekend

Is it horrible or beautiful? We needed a spot to stage our trash bins this winter so this is what we did. Cheap, as we had the bricks and stones, good exercise and satisfying - even if it is a bit wobbly. There is the brick center left that needs to be righted. T and I both enjoy messing about with stones so this isn't our first effort. Although he seems to have chosen a more supervisory role recently, barking out instructions, "it's not level! Shift it to the left! No, the other stone!" I scuttle about placing the stones and drive him crazy as I swap out one piece for another because of color or shape. Our backs are squeaking a bit though now. I have also been planting tulips and moving plants about before cold weather sets in. Indian summer is behind us and we are in the stormy sway of hot and cold fronts and could have a hard frost before the end of the month. Great thunderstorms!

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