Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

Blue bridge.

Had a crazy day today. A relaxed morning, sorting stuff out and planning for the week. A trip to the supermarket (domestic bliss) then a visit to see missymoo to shoot fruit and anything else we could find, in her light tent, with studio lights and the works. Fabulous fun.

Writing the above it all sounds very glamorous, in reality it involves a lot of scrabbling about on hands and knees, squished fruit, and packing tape.

A lot of fun to be had! Then I chased home for a yum dinner cooked by Mrs W. Then a driving lesson for Mr H to Hatfield where I stayed (not worth driving there and back again). Whilst I had a couple of hours I thought I would have another wander down by the lakes at Stanborough.

The light was fading fast but I thought I would get some more practise in doing another bridge. I feel I am slowly starting to get the hang of this. It's all in the planning! I am becoming aware of more details to be aware of when doing this stuff.

I hope missymoo isn't cross that I haven't blipped any fruit. I will....soon!

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