But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave


.........................................a fellow cyclist.

Six months ago, one of our customers asked me, "If I buy thirty cinema tickets for a particular night, can I chose the film please?"

An audience of thirty is quite good for us so, of course, the answer had to be “Yes“. The film she chose was "Kind Hearts and Coronets", a delightful Ealing comedy starring Vincent Price and Alec Guinness, the film was part of her eightieth birthday celebrations.
This afternoon forty of us gathered at a local hotel for a gluten free meal so that the birthday girl, for once, could chose what she wanted from the menu without suffering the dire consequences of not sticking to her diet.

Before the meal I was introduced to Ruth who was wielding a rather nice looking Olympus - and so we chatted about bikes, she normally rides an electric machine but told me about the time she used a trike on holiday, what a lovely lady. I had to tell her about Blipfoto as you can hardly take a candid blip of a lady's earring in a dimly lit room; she posed beautifully. For once, I didn't have a blip card about my person so we exchanged email addresses instead; how very old fashioned.

Thanks Ruth, it was very kind of you and, I hope you enjoyed both the meal and the film.

Post script: Ruth told me that the earrings came from Brighton, or was it Blackpool; I’m sure it began with a “B”.
The doctor says that my memory loss is normal for more mature members of society; the trouble is, I don’t really feel very mature.

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