
Well, this was more work than I was expecting!

We drove back from Boston this afternoon, and got caught in all sorts of traffic jams in the rain. I was counting on the fact that I had a bottle of bubbly stashed in the fridge, and I was planning on just opening it when we got home, and pouring some picturesquely into a champagne flute ... (purely for photographic purposes, of course!)

Unfortunately, the bubbly was vile. It was a cheap bottle, it had been moiling about in the fridge for far, far too long, and when it was opened, it didn't even attempt to fizz. It just slopped out into the glass in a surly manner, with a bare minimum of bubbles, and ended up looking more like a urine sample than a flute of the finest.

So, I had to get "arty". And consequently this is what you get for "bubbly".

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