
That's what I am!

Dear GOD its cold. I have clearly become acclimatised to the heat in Spain, and I have spent almost all of the day pondering the grey skies, looking at the rain pouring down and thinking about how my legs won't see the light of day for another 11 months!!!


Joking aside though, it is good to be home. Had a fantastic night's sleep in our bed, woke up without too much trauma around 9am and have spent the day doing the shopping, dealing with a houseful of kids (4 of them for most of the day!) marking coursework and cross checking my spreadsheets ready for results downloading tomorrow.

I have also been to the gym and booked my induction session for tomorrow night at 7pm. Hair appointment at 5pm, dentist at 2.40 (if it had been at 2.30 it would have been funnier....tooth-hurty). That's all after going into school at 9ish for the results.

The results don't get delivered to school until Thursday, but an electronic download of most of the results can be done tomorrow - which allows for processing and beginning the process of querying results with the exam boards which always happens. Also means that on Thursday morning, the administrative jobs that need doing can be concentrated on (i.e getting everything ready for the students) because a lot of the initial number crunching is done. Its a bit of a nightmare though, because there's only me who gets to see the information tomorrow...and I can guarantee that a huge number of staff will be in school tomorrow, lurking, to see if they can get any "inside information" before Thursday. More than my jobs worth!!!

Fingers crossed anyway - I'll let you know on Thursday.

Is it wrong to contemplate putting the central heating on in August?!

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