Glory is fleeting

By mskitty

Still life - the scene I was painting

Paula and I went to an Oil painting class at Lauriston castle today. It was very good as usual and we really enjoyed it.
I was going to post a pic of both of our paintings here, but went to Paula's blip foto page to see if she was doing the same, only to see that the bissum has been really naughty and just posted mines!!!!
So now I don't want to put up my photo just in case she really doesn't want her work to be seen. So - I'm putting up the photo of the original still life instead. (pretty blurred 'cos it was just a quick snap before dis-assembling the set-up).
If you want to see how the painting turned out go to Ellabella's page.
If you want to see some photos of the Castle, the class, and perhaps catch a glimpse of Paula's lovely painting, then check out 'Lauriston castle' on Facebook - the photos from the day should be posted there soon.

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