Inner workings
Here's the inside of a piano. No relevance to my day at all - just the most interesting thing in the house that grabbed my eye when I realised I hadn't picked the camera up today. I quite like how the knob things fade into fuzzy circles at the back of the shot.
Busy day sorting out photo files on the computer, in readiness for me getting Mr B's computer with a proper screen. Also busy not finding a job to apply for. And trying to come up with some foolproof whizz bang scheme for world domination, or at least just earning a little cash.
So not the best of days really.
Still, the weather wasn't too bad.
And I found half an hour in the day to get back into clarinet practice.
And discovered a packet of KitKat's* in the cupboard.
And Mr B made dinner.
And you were all very nice about my blip yesterday (thanks, you lovely lot).
So not the worst of days either.
*Chocolate bars.
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