The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Green gym again

Ali and I, without the aid of a machette, managed to hack our way into the "Set aside garden" in the North. It's been a few months since we were there and nature had tried to reclaim it.

Luckily we were able to rescue this, my old, eco-friendly lawnmower. I'm afraid it's seen better days and is probably beyond even my TLC.

The decoration of the saw, was all Ali's work.

At least he managed a good play with his petrol brush cutter. Now that was "The business".

On a sadder note, today my father was told to hang up his car keys for the final time. He may not see how he can carry on leading a "normal" life, but although a huge change and difficult to accept, life goes on.
Besides, there are plenty of people around to act as chauffeur.

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