Dogs, camera..action!

Or NOT as the case may be! Firstly I picked up the wrong camera. Normally when walking the mutts I take the Lumix LX5 with me as I can work it with one hand while holding onto Sam's lead with the other, it has auto focus, auto zoom and I can usually grab a decent shot. Today for some stupid reason I picked up the Olympus and it needs both hands and that was not a good combination! Just as I would be about to press the shutter Sam would give a lurch and I ended up with some blurry image worthy of someones granny at Butlins! Then I had chosen the wrong path to go on, Supidly thought it would be a good idea to go on to Stans path and indeed the fast flowing water was spectacular but the bloody dogs were just a total menace, Sam pulling, Abbie rolling in the crap & Penny being scared by a vole! Then my timing was wrong too as I had left it too late and finally it started raining. The Gods had obviously conspired well agin me on this one.
Happy blipping all

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