I figured the answer to my anxiety was likely to be a) simply activity and b) engaging with things which provoked my curiosity. Imagine my surprise when, eating my frozen yoghurt in Trafalgar Square, I came across a sizeable demonstration by Iranian dissidents, protesting about this. Unannounced demonstrations in the Square always get the attention of its wardens and this was no exception. The well organised and passionate protest had no choice but to stay out of the main part of the square. I've been interested in protest movements for the last decade or so, ever since studying 'power, violence and the state' in my last degree. For any of you interested I have a portfolio on Flickr that I'm pretty proud of. Being involved in the world around me brought back a far too often forgotten passion and curiosity, and I felt almost as alive as I did when I covered the first student protests in 2010.
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