Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

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Hello friends and apologies once again for my continued quietness. Life's a bit of a colourful blur - much like this shot - but I'm still managing to look at your journals even though my ability to comment will remain limited for a few weeks longer I'm afraid.

Work remains very full-on and will continue to do so for the coming week - after which I'm off on my travels for a fortnight! I'll say no more for now but I have big plans to meet up with some very cool blippers from overseas...

But it's not all work and travel! I've just spent a very cultural weekend with Spokes. Last night we enjoyed an amazing production of The Master and Margarita at the Unity Theatre and today we made it along for the final day of the fabulous Marc Chagall exhibition at Tate Liverpool (no photography allowed...) followed by a visit to FACT to see the splendid new Woody Allen film, Blue Jasmine. We also ate pizza. And cake.

Can life get any better?!

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