Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

View from the Little Room

A California heat wave started today. I don't yet know the high temperature for the day, but I went out once to do an errand and it was hot. We've now got a wildfire burning about 30 or so miles from here in the communities of Glendora and Duarte in the Angeles National Forest. The newscasters were hopeful that it was going to be contained quickly.

I worked upstairs most of the day and kept the house fairly cool just by closing all the insultated shades early in the day and using the ceiling fans and a few portable floor fans. Late in the afternoon the upstairs was getting a little warm as it was nearing time for Mr. Fun to arrive home, so I turned on the AC to cool it down a bit.

This very green photo is the view from the little upstairs room I worked in today. It is just above the outside fountain, the one that Tristan tried to empty. This is a very quiet and private side of the house. I like it very much. Here is a view of it from the
neighbor's front yard.

I thought it was interesting that our nightly national news this evening mentioned South Africa and the welcome that happened there for the female track star. Also in the news was the UK, Wales to be exact, and the info-mercial that shows the teens in the car "texting" while driving and the horrific accident it causes. Even though it is only drama, it doesn't leave much to the imagination. I do hope that it causes some folks to quit texting while driving.

Well, tomorrow is back to the campus for me--the beginning of the autumn semester--it's a non-mandatory meeting day, but a few of the morning workshops look interesting. Then in the late afternoon I think I'm going to meet-up with my daughter, Dede, to go hear "The Girls" at the Festival of Arts, in Laguna Beach because we purchased entrance passes last Wednesday, it will be free to get in and the Festival closes this weekend. Then mandatory days at the campus are Thursday and Friday and next week, it all officially begins. Because of unemployment and the economy, we're expecting record breaking crowds of students wanting to add classes.

Well, this has been a fairly un-exciting day, you've figured that out. Thanks for reading my page. I'm sure your blip was more exciting today than mine, but that's how some days go.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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