Two left feet

One big, one blurred. Snapped on the way to football. First game since turning fifty. Things started reasonably even and I got an assist on our opening goal. Unfortunately in the unheard of luxury of seventeen players (changed days indeed when we were struggling to get more than four-a-side) the late arriving extra man made a big difference and they started rattling in the goals. When it got to 1-6 S tweaked the sides a little, swapping places with one of the players on their team. And it made a difference as we scored three goals without reply - the first another personal assist and then my first two goals in my fifties - getting to a rebound from someone else's long range shot and then putting in the rebound from a shot of my own. Sadly, that was the end of the comeback and they then scored a couple more goals but I scored the last of the night, guiding in the ball into the net after a neat move. So a hat-trick at fifty - quite pleased with myself :-) And I think the pre-match banana was significant in having a better game than recently so I need to try and remember that next time.
Good to get out onto the football pitch after a day selecting images from the Co-op Party conference. More selecting and editing to do tomorrow.

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