
By Boatmansrobin

Into the future

This is an exciting time of year. Everywhere I look, I see bedraggled or dead plants all waiting to be cleared or tidied up for winter. Before I begin the tidy up I look closely .. not for butterflies, now, but seeds.
Nature once again shows her beauty and ingenuity. There are hundreds of seeds in any area, in almost as many shapes and sizes. This will give each seed type the opportunity of reaching favourable places for to grow and develop . Seeds need to be ready for harvesting. Taken too soon, they will not be mature or viable; left too long, they will be viable -- but gone!!!
Today I collected from:-geranium, wild violet, yellow vetch, nasturtium, sage, fern, hollyhock and rose hip. It is also fun working out how the seeds move from the parent. Some are shot or shaken out of pods and capsules, others fly in the wind on wings or little parachutes of fine hairs and yet more utilize animals to carry them on their fur, in their cheeks (for later burial in a food stash) or via their digestive tract to be deposited elsewhere!
For those interested in my strange yellow rose -- by the time I returned it was rotting from the wet. It is in this blip, the green bits in the centre were forming into little red buds/fruits ? or something you can just see the remnant as brownish blobs! sorry I was not here to get an earlier pick. The mystery remains.

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