View From The Study

By StudyView


I do like my newly framed, signed print. Seeing them next month in a busy month for music. Sadly missed out on Glastonbury tickets for next year so need to get as much music in as I can now. A shame but probably for the best as trips to the States at Christmas and summer are not cheap. There's also my cousins wedding in France. Short day, even for a Monday. Had to take Floss to the dentist to get a tooth out. Dentist described it as more like picking a scab as it was almost through 90^ Tooth fairy was invited to visit but not sure the tooth is in position so we'll see. Work quite quiet for me; last week before holidays but DD is off and the flow of crap/work has stopped. Currently clearing emails and got to August. Amazing how they don't require any work if you let them age enough...

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