electric glass

By electricglass

Busy Busy Day

Spent tuesday being lots of busy. Getting financial aid squared away for school! Awesome. The two classes I'm taking are going to be on Tuesday's and Thursdays. Those days for me will look like
12AM-4AM: work
4AM-6AM: cleaning up, breakfast, Enjoying the Sunrise
6:30AM-7:30AM: Elements of Effective Communication
8AM-5PM Sleeping?
5:30PM-8:30PM: Photography I
9PM-12PM: work

I'm now working on pushing my sleep schedule so I get stuff done first think in the morning then get to sleep by 10AM. It's really not too hard. I just need to sleep at least 6 hours after sleep comes.

I really look forward to squeezing in Teaching Snowboarding in the winter! I think I'm going to teach at Brighton Resort.

Maybe I should buy some stock in Coffee and energy drinks right now.

This photo was taken at sunrise in downtown Salt Lake City. I'm kind of kicking myself as I had a couple really good photo opportunities but didn't take them.

Thanks for checkin out my blip.

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