Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Garden Galaxy

Change of plan. Below you will find what I started to type, before I took my camera outside this evening, to capture this from the front garden.

Worth a bigger look.

I had actually just gone out to photograph the moon and Venus, but decided to have a crack at the Milky Way while I was there. I'm rather glad I did.

First cock-up with the new camera today. About to walk down Katoomba St, I decided to set it to shutter priority, and a fast shutter speed, to enable quick snaps of anything neat I saw. Since I had turned off the info display for the standby screen, I was squinting through the viewfinder, and couldn't see brilliantly the parameters being adjusted. I was also somewhat surprised that the front dial, which I knew ought to adjust the shutter speed, didn't seem to be doing anything, but the rear dial did. Oh well. Whatever. Carry on ...

Yeah ... on a Pentax, Sv is not shutter priority, but sensitvity (ISO) priority. Turns out I managed to set it on an ISO of 12,800. xP Funnily enough, the couple of shots I took came out rather noisy (not too bad, all things considered, but still bad).

Happily, before that cock-up, I took this (which I was going to blip until I got galaxied), growing on the fence surrounding Mt St Mary's, which amazingly, has been sold!

A few previous Mt St Mary's blips:


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