Dream big.x

Awake early and very dark outside. Sat out in the garden and waited for dawn to break.....it took a long time this am. Then ended up rushing to get ready for school!!! RE this am and the children had great fun designing lost sheep posters from the story we did last week.Singing and then RE with year 3.
Lunchtime seems to go faster each day and before i knew it , Lisa had arrived and it was time to start groups. Poor Mr M had a migraine and then had to got to a meeting this afternoon. Hope he is feeling better. Don't think i helped by saying he was frowning!!!!!
Busy in club and we were soon off for a treasure hunt in the garden. Then played monopoly with Year 2's.Home and Gav called to look at the board out the back. Another job ticked off the list. Now off to sort the prints out for the 1st Internal competition in camera club. x

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