Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Sunshine on Leith

No sleeping in and no missing the local train at silly o'clock, as I had my bosses tickets to hand him on route to Edinburgh at Aberdeen. Except I'd forgotten MY blimmin' train ticket. Panic stations at the station. It was time for a cunning plan. Later, much much later, I was surrounded by university researchers and lovely hoppy aromas in a warm, balmy Edinburgh, but no time to stop and take a blip. I still had time to down two cans of my latest addiction. I've been known to drive a 20 mile round trip just to get my hands on one of these juicy bad boys. Finished off tonight with science revision for Sam's test, much easier than my momentous maths meltdown last night, science equipment is full of double entendres (spelling?, who knows, too tired). A busy day but not too busy to think of the far too many friends going through bad times of late; hoping they got through the day okay. And for some reason Blip hates paragraphs.

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