Cameron's edited life

By cameronmcvean

A new toy

So after a bit of unnecessary delay (yeah, cheers Amazon) the new Nikon D7100 arrived on Monday while I was at work. Tonight was my first chance for a wee try out. First impression: it's certainly not got that bombproof/pro-spec feel that the D2X had, but the rear screen is bright and big and the images I shot in the CastleFM studio at iso1000 are sharp and noise-free. I think I'm going to like it.

After the show we popped along to Newhaven harbour to capture what light there was. Hopefully some daylight stuff tomorrow.

p.s I have the wee disposable camera for the shoot a stranger project - hands up who wants it next. Happy to meet for a coffee and a handover. Just say the word...

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