
By PeterAllsop

A fine state of affairs

I can feel a rant coming on!

Today in Mornington I was hauled over by an army of police officers.. (20 approx on a sheriff blitz)

Step out of the car, put your hands in the air, keys and licence please... WTF

Someone had upset the sheriff and that someone was me.

Earlier this year I had traded in my old motorbike for a new one. In my home state, we collect tolls on a couple of roads but motorcycles don't have e tags on them, apparently I had used $3. Effing 27 cents worth of tolls and naughty me didn't remember to inform the road toll owners. Therein starts the witch hunt!

Now here's the effing joke, going in to trade I accrued a fine of $240 on my old bike and coming back home I got an equal fine for my new effing bike. This is bs I thought, so didn't pay the original fines. Ok I didn't pay ( read ignore) the late reminder increased fines either... Arghhh

Today, I avoided handcuffs and not being allowed to go home to greet my sons by paying an on the spot fine.

The Final total is sharply in focus, details of the lovely police officer, my address, drivers licence and effing PIN number are however,not visible.

Today, I start with a clean slate and the state is a safer place., coz I'm not at large.

Wonder whether Big Brother will tell me I'm not allowed to blip this.

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