Whale Snot & Sunburn

Today was spent out on the water Whale watching.
They weren't as playful as last time I went..... but we did get some very close sightings of mother and calf.

Who would of ever thought that I would feel so happy on that big blue wobbly thing...especially so because I took a couple of sea sick pills and was a bit skew whiff hahaha.

I love those BIG mammals..they are awesome and wonderful and very very magical.

A couple got so close that when they sprayed from their blow holes we got covered in a fine mist of their snot........a bit oily and not so good for camera lenses and spectacles...but I reckon a whale could cover me with his snot anytime.

The whole day was perfect and it always makes me feel happy just to be a bit closer...however even though I put on some sunscreen (which I never usually do) I am looking and feeling a bit like a lobster right now.......worth it for sure.

Be Grateful For Your Life,
every detail of it, and your face will come to shine like a sun,
and everyone who sees it will be made glad and peaceful.
Rumi (not the dog)

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