Pips' musings

By jojopips

Starting to prepare

Well, with only 26 days left until I leave for Gambia I figured I should really start getting ready for it!! It's gonna come around so quick! My friend asked me today: 1-10 how excited am I. I answered 7.5
1-10 how scared am I. I answered 9
The scariness is outweighing the excitedness (If there is such a word) at the minute. That'll soon go once I get there....hopefully

Getting my priorities right I know what books I'm taking to read!
These are the ones I have ready so far. I think I'm going to need another 2 or 3 but as it's my birthday on Saturday I'm hoping for some more or some money so I can per-chase some.
So far I've got:
"Chasing the dragon" by Jackie Pullinger - One woman's struggle against the darkness of Hong Kong's drug dens
"The Shack" by Wim Paul Young - Where tragedy confronts enernity
"The While Tiger" by Aravind Adiga - An incredible trip into the dazzling and pulsating heart of India

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