Always Someone

Whenever you think you are hard done by it doesn't take long to find someone worse off than yourself.

One of the regular passengers, Bob, always says hello, is pleasant and helpful, a nice guy. So today when I was acting as an instructor on the route I had the chance to sit and chat with Bob. I asked him about his family, his reply;
"I miss my eldest son every day, he was killed in a PIRA car bomb explosion in Belfast. He's buried in Kent so I don't get up there. His widow and my grandchildren emigrated so I don't see them at all Mick. Yes I miss my eldest son"

The next move is without Bob realising to get his surname from his bus pass, find out which regiment his son served in and see of we cannot arrange for the Regimental Association to get him to the National Arboretum to see his sons name etched into the Remembrance Wall.

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