
By SomethingAwful

Bit late for you, ma'am!

More of that miniature effect that I quite like. I also saw that there's an effect that 'softens', which I tried on Georgia O'Keefe's face yesterday, and decided I must use it on the next night out. I think I've discovered a couple of people's secret. ;)

Anyway, today was better. Happier. More productive. Ha. Plus when editing my CV to be more specific to the handing-out I was doing today, I realised how hard it is to fit everything onto one page, which instilled a bit of self-confidence in myself. Turns out I've accomplished a little more than I thought!
Also tied up a loose end from my university career, which was sad but a relief. Already getting hopeful about a couple of these bar jobs but I'm worried that my honesty will cost me an offer or two! Shame, especially as one of the bartenders who took my CV had a wonderful Irish accent...

Anyway. Gonna try and scan the last of my disposables, finally, which I collected just today...

On a side note, to those of you who are avid readers of my blip (all of you, I know), I haven't forgotten my fitness goals. I've been sidetracked by America despite doing alright in my first couple of weeks there, but Mira and I have made a tentative gym buddy agreement. Also my ankle keeps giving way in my lovely black boots, and the heel is only a couple of inches! I don't think it's the heel cos it's a pretty solid block, and it only happens on my right ankle, the one I sprained. :( Although it is usually when the pavement is uneven.... argh.

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