There and back again

By Mikes

Getting Ready!

I got up feeling knackered this morning (8am) only to find Mrs M had beaten me to it and had already taken Jinxy out.
We are on stage two of the "Summer House" as it is now called, so off we went to Homebase at Honiton to purchase the paint for the inside. called "Country Cream".
Back to out own town with a stop at Tesco for restocking of the larder and home for lunch. By now I was definitely off the boil and feeling grumpy which is not like me, no really!! So I was packed off to bed.

I reawakened at 2pm to find Mrs M already out (again) with Jinxy so I thought I'd better turn too. With wind and rain foretasted for the next few days I cut the grass back and front, fitted a new door bell, fixed the window stays in the shed summer house. Since the new shed has been built Jinxy has taken to crawling under it. It is only a matter of time before he gets stuck so I will have to see if I can make it dog proof tomorrow.

Now feeling knackered again but a nice sort of knackered, having felt I have accomplished enough to warrant feeling knackered. My goodness, is that the time?
off to bed now!!!!!

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