Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


standing tall
the glen

More walking therapy, and some of the more conventional kind, saw me heading to Cottingley and back .

The outward walk was a bit of a sprint, but I took my time on the return.

First I searched for WW1 graves in Nab Wood Cemetery in case that was of some use for OH's book.

Then it was back through the woods and along the river where I was rewarded with another Kingfisher sighting and various intriguing fungi.

After a couple of showers the sun broke through, so that when I was coming back along Shipley Glen the early autumn colours were showing nicely, as was my shadow.

I also learned that collecting conkers on a windy day may seem easy, but comes with the added hazard of a new shower of conkers with every strong gust. Still, I got enough to keep myself and 9yo stocked up for a few weeks of tournaments.

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