Someone's Thinking Of Me, And Loving me tonight

Isn't the moon amazing?

I had a telescope, and I used to sit in the attic of our old house, lens pointed to the moon, and I could sit and gaze for ages and ages. Sometimes I would turn and point to a star, but my real love was the moon.

All those craters and bumps, there was endless areas to gaze at, but what I loved the most was the fact that when the moon was a new moon, or a half moon, or a gibbous moon, thru the telescope you could still see the dark side of the moon, that area in shadow.

While you look at it like that, it's easy to imagine the sun hiding farther round the corner out of sight from me... and then you start to imagine the actual size of the world, and the moon, and the sun and the galaxy, and then...

your head just explodes.

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