
By EAnnBlair

Venturing out

Well I'm still feeling lousy but ventured to work to give a lecture as I had to postpone last week's due to a clash and couldn't face the hostility that would have ensued if I had cancelled this one. Glad I did. I survived and it seemed to go well. Also met with some of my new personal tutees. They seem sweet. When I got home I ventured out into the garden as the light faded. I was hoping to get a picture of the fungus to give a sense of how many there are. The picture wasn't bad but this one is much better. Thanks today to Mr EAnn who is still off sick but is enough better to have provided transport services. Life saver. And tomorrow - I have given my apologies for the meeting in London I am supposed to be at even though it will be deliberating the industrial action the union has approved.

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