Ta da

4:30 this morning I could have cried come to think of it, I did Luckily I managed to persuade her it was far tooooooooo early and although the only way I could persuade her of this was to cuddle up in our bed at least we both got some more sleep! We properly woke about 7:30, got up dressed and had breakfast and then headed swimming. Normal swim teacher away, lovely swim teacher today who just put everyone at ease. Charlotte was a star and did really well at everything (in my opinion) Home Sleep I did school work Lunch after playing in the garden for a bit More play, watched doctors, then went to the hop pocket (lovely shopping village made up of independent shops) bought a few birthday / Christmas presents. Came home had tea, Charlotte tried to eat the shell of her boiled egg, noddle Loved Sarah and Duck tonight Bath More Sarah and Duck Daddy doing bedtime Early night around me thinks

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