
By HeartFreek

Tea for 3

I can't believe I have only taken 1 photo today. Very unlike me. I usually take about 70 of the same thing before I'm happy!!

But I made the morning tea this morning and liked the colours. We are a fussy lot. Mr W likes his Tetley, I'm on the Redbush and Daughter Number 1 had Earl Grey!! Makes tea making quite a mission!

Had an interview this morning by a good friend of DN1 who is at uni studying journalism. She's doing a study on misdiagnosis at East Surrey Hospital and thought I fitted the topic quite nicely following my spell in hospital in April with sepsis and the fact my confusion was totally missed and mismanaged. It was strange talking about it all but as I never did bring myself to finish my complaint, I'm hoping she will do a piece for the local paper on my behalf. I will be very interested to see how she gets in.

Just in from work and welcome the central heating now the weather has turned. Winter here we come!!


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