Good Street

For the last seven weeks I've been driving up and down the M6 on my way to see Mum. So twice a week I drive past junction 31 (The Tickled Trout) and shudder. I spent four years living in Preston and it was bloody horrible.

Today I faced my fears and turned off at 31 to go and have a look at the misleadingly named Good Street where I lived for a couple of years. I wanted to see if it was as bad as I remembered. It was.

On the plus side, Mum's face lit up when I handed over the first Rebus book "Knots and Crosses". There was a lovely message to her inside written by Ian Rankin, that was why I was in The Oxford Bar on Tuesday. He's a big cheese and a busy man but he went out of his way to write a really thoughtful message. Top man.

Good to see Smithski too who came in to see Mum. She tends to fall asleep around 7pm now so my wee brother drove off home and I headed out with Dad for some scoff

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