
By memento

Water color

Reminded today by one of my favorite images, I went for an excursion deep into my box of art supplies...unearthed a tiny set of watercolors, not highly was cheap...alongside it, a block of cold press Strathmore watercolor paper and brushes. I pre-wetted the paper, painted a multi-colored, bleedy texture, dropped some splotches of paint, dried it with a hair dryer, photographed it, tweaked its color in PS till I liked it, then used it as the top layer with an overlay blending mode.

shows the texture better

Edit: swapped the original for a deeper, less red version.

Next experiment, inspired by this stunning texture work...taking a picture through filthy glass, or perhaps OF it and using that as an overlay.

Maybe there is something overlaying my brain right now...will stop and go back to normal pictures soon.

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