
By briocarioca

More mobiles

Seems they've infiltrated every activity. How did the world turn before mobiles...before fixed phones...before telegrams...when a letter took 2 days - 10 days - six months - a sea voyage to arrive?

This hire-a-bike scheme is cheap and relatively recent. Very popular with locals and tourists, but you're dicing with death if you stray off the bike paths (and even if you don't, as they're invaded by pedestrians, skate-boarders, cars and even buses). Still, there's a drive to increase awareness, and bike paths are cropping up everywhere.

Work mixed with doctors and physio today. Hon Husband has Parkinsons, but the neurologist is very pleased with his general state - most unusual in one who was diagnosed all of 18 years ago. Just tweaked the medications a bit. GOOD news.

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