Ella and Harry

Wet, windy and cool here in Wellington today.

We haven't left the house all day....books, puzzles, games, Lego and DVD's has filled in the day.  The kids needed a quiet day, so did we.   I did entice them into a quick photo shoot, and have got some quite nice ones.  But,went for this one as it shows how much they  enjoy each other.  Long may it continue.   This will be the last time I can do a dreamy one of them, as they are now growing up and it's "not cool".  

Weekend already, gosh the time is flying by too quickly.

We head home on Monday night, the first thing I have go do is find the original of my entry that became a finalist in the Lovers of Light entry and email off to Gordon at Blip Central as they want to print it as an A3 to be part of an exhibition in London.  I even got an invitation to the opening!! Haha.,  

Bye for now  

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