
By Neil1985

Power struggle

Had college yesterday after work (as you may have gathered, every Tues and Thurs) so not a huge amount of time to do too much.

Left work and immediately saw this sky, didn't have an opportunity or time to stop, but then further on my journey realised I could still see it so decided to stop regardless of time. Spent about 60 seconds grabbing a few shots.

They all had a big power line running right through the middle which I somehow failed to notice in my haste, have done a botch job removing it in photoshop.

I also stopped on the A46 on the way home from college to try and get a few light trail shots, wasn't happy with any of them so stuck with this one.

Anyway, not very exciting or different but I quite like it.

Sat on the sofa instead of at work, this pleases me greatly!

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