Joy amongst sadness....

Today we said our final farewell to my dear sister-in-law who died suddenly whilst on holiday in Greece with her husband. She was a wonderful woman and a friend as well as a relative. She was only 63! At her graveside about 50 of her family on both sides gathered to say farewell. She was well loved. We all went back to my brother in law and had tea and cakes - once again provided by all the women in the family. Both sides know each other very well which is lovely. As you can see the children had fun in the garden whilst the grown ups supped tea and ate cake and talked. Tomorrow we have a celebration of her life at our Church. Many people are expected to be there. Sad for us left behind but for Gill - well she is in Heaven and we know that for sure because she was a born again Christian and served the Lord faithfully all her life. Bless you Gill - going to miss you so much x

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