Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I couldn't let another day go by without blipping a ruby-crowned kinglet (Regulus calendula). They are moving through our area in large numbers right now, heading further south for the winter. Some willspend the winter in southern NJ, but we don't see them here in the northern part of the state other than during the migration. They are tiny birds, only about 4 inches (10 cm) long and they are difficult to photograph because they constantly flit as they feed on insects and small berries. I got this one while out hiking this morning along Twin Lake.

I knew it would be a good day when as I was walking down our driveway to get the morning paper, I saw a flock of about 50 cedar waxwings busily eating the berries from the grove of cedars in our front yard. Then, I caught a flash of yellow at the edge of the woods ... kinglets and yellow-rumped warbler! In addition to the usual crew of titmice, chickadees, nuthatches, blue jays, downy and red-bellied woodpeckers, and white-throated sparrows. A good way to start the day.

While I was hiking this morning, I collected a bunch of black walnuts. If you've never had them, they are considered a bit of a delicacy, especially in baking. And if you've ever harvested them, you know why they are so frigging expensive at the store! What a pain in the ass! They have a very thick "husk" that must be removed and it contains a dark color that will stain your hands, cloths, and anything else it gets near. You need a mallet to open the husk, or you can run over them with your car (seriously!) Then, the nut shell has to be washed, then they have to be laid out to dry for a week or so. As I write this, there are 26 precious black walnuts drying in the garage. And one pair of jeans hopeless stained.

I also collected some acorns and chestnuts that I put out for the chipmunks and blue jays (the jays love the acorns while the chippies favor the chestnuts.)

Thank you for sending yesterday's little goldfinch to the Spotlight Page - always a thrill! Hope you don't tire of seeing birds in berry branches - there seems to be a great crop of berries this fall. A blue jay in the berries HERE and a teen-age red-bellied woodpecker HERE.

Happy Friday - and have a great weekend!


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