The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

Time Marches On

Though electrified now, this old clock stands tall on the market square in the Villages in Lady Lake. Originally, circa 1840, it was steam operated and you can still see the pistons that drove the clock works (though not in this pic) and the brass pressure release valve at the top of the clock. I would imagine it's not uncommon to see these in the UK, but this is the first I've seen on this side of the pond.

It's Friday and I hope everyone is looking forward to a relaxing and enjoyable weekend .... Go Red Sox! (Sorry Tim)

Update: (and a huge thank you for all your prayers and support.) The results from the biopsy weren't great but my transplant coordinator is filing a "compassionate use" request for an experimental drug that is showing excellent results in clinical trials with few of the side effects of the drugs presently being used. At least now I know what I'm dealing with, know that there are choices we can consider, and that the adventure really does continue. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders - thanks again!

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