FIGGY's Sporadic Blips

By Figgy

A beautiful autum day in Perthshire.

Loch Lubhair, is thought to mean 'loch of the leper' or 'loch of the devious one'. Lying to the east of Crianlarich, in the shadow of Ben More, Loch Lubhair is about 1.4 miles in length and around 0.3 miles at its widest. The river Dochart flows in from Loch Dochart in the west and exits toward Loch Tay in the east.

There is a legend regarding a castle on the loch, but this is more likely to have been a crannog although evidence to support either has never been found .

Surrounded by the Breadalbane giants of Ben More, Cruach Ardrain, and Sgiath Chuil this pictueresque area is a hillwalkers' paradise.

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