The send off

Did you know that Bolton has 150 restaurants listed in trip advisor? As I've been coming here for years and the best I've ever managed is a couple of pub meals, I was a bit perplexed by that. Mind you, nos 3 & 5 are pasty shops and no 7 is a chipper. They may be very good of course.
So, down to meet up with the in-laws and to try and keep track of cousins' kids, and blimey, their kids too. Eloise, and Ella and Evie. And others. And although dear old Margaret was 90 and had a good innings, it still brought a lump to hear the story of her life so summarily recounted.
Later, to Pizza Express en famille (is that right?) - and quite acceptable it was too - especially as it's at #97!
[Margaret's wedding day]

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