
By bigred1977

Pay Day.....Part Deux

So my second Pay Day of 2009 has come round again....good to have more money in the bank but I wasn't as desperate for it this time round , having four weeks pay to last four weeks is much easier than having less than two to last four weeks !!!

So Pay Day = a money blip ...hence todays spinning money !!! (my infra red remote came in handy for these shots !!)

Very glad its the weekend but no doubt I'll be unable to have a lie in tomorrow....always struggle to get up during the week then on the weekend I'm usually wide awake first thing !!!

Getting warm here at the moment , its ment to be 27 tomorrow....with showers real plans for the weekend other than going to see Inglourious Basterds at some point on Sunday.....have a good weekend Blippers !!!

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