Where the Light Gets In

By DHThomas

Meet Joe

I met Joe on a train between Paris and Lille five years ago. He was visiting Europe from Montana with two friends. Not his first trip either, he is a connoisseur of our continent as he's been coming from time to time since 1974.

The funny thing is, we only talked for one hour then, wrote a bit for a while but quite lost contact after about a year.

I was surprised, in a very good way, when I received an email from him a few weeks ago: he was coming to Paris, could we meet? Of course we could, and we did yesterday.

What a delightful evening I had (I hope it is the case for him, too!). Conversation was flowing (well, as much as my spoken English allowed), wine too, the subjects we touched went from politics to art to philosophy and the fact that we often know better what is far away from home than what is close. Typical. I've been more than a dozen times to the US but have never visited Italy or the Netherlands.

Anyway, this blip is a nice reminder of the good evening I had with Joe, musicologist extraordinaire who offered me his latest CD, recorded in the Cathedral in Helena, Montana. He plays the harpsichord and his colleague plays the violin. All Bach!

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