Frisbee fun

It took ages for me to get started this morning. Luckily the boys seemed to enjoy a slow morning too, so they let me sit with the laptop and a cup of coffee without being too much in my face.

At 10 am I decided that it was time, so off we went to find a field suitable for training. We went to the Academy Garden and had a great training session.

After our training, Hero and Beat had fun chasing the frisbee. Biscuit doesn't like the frisbee - it is too big for him to carry and therefore, but he played with his sheltie sized ball instead. This is Hero jumping for the frisbee.

When everyone had played and jumped for long enough, I put the boys on lead and went for a walk in the park. It was beautiful and I really enjoyed all the lovely autumn colours.

Autum is such a beautiful time of year. I just find it very hard to really enjoy it as I know it is followed by a cold winter and I really hate the cold.

I stopped at the shops on the way home and got food in for the next couple of days. I also found 2 big chew bones and 1 smaller. So the afternoon will be spent with a huge cup of coffee, a good book and a chew bone for each for the dogs.

More frisbee fun here!

Happy weekend, Blippers!
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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