One life to live

By otornblom

The Bridge

It was very misty morning today, I had a morning walk with Sami near Rajasalmi bridge. After a cloudy day I saw one of the most stunning sunset I've ever seen. What a shame I didn't have time to drive to a better place to shoot it.

Great difficulties to choose today's blip photo of those 200 photos I shot today. Some of them in the Flickr.

The second season of The Bridge (Danish: Broen; Swedish: Bron - a Scandinavian crime drama television series) has just started, we are hooked. Øresund Bridge in the series looks so beautiful - I keep sighing every time I see the bridge and hear the opening and closing music "Hollow Talk" by Choir of Young Believers.
We have sailed next to Øresund Bridge but I also would like to drive there sometimes.

Yesterday evening Emma got some fever, hopefully her flu will go away soon.

+11 C, cloudy

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