BCAM - Pink Challege Day 12

Very quiet day at home today. GK & G had invited some dear friends of ours over for an afternoon tea and I was put to work!!!

G and I went out for a shop in the morning while GK prepared the house. We did a lot of baking today and here are some of mine and G's goodies. Had to make two lots of the cupcakes as the first lot was a disaster, I put it down to different flour, eggs, etc. but thankfully, the second lot were much better and more like it!

Lovely homemade spread and our friends were very complimentary. Here's me trying my new lens again. Really pleased with it.

May I encourage you to kindly click here to offer a free mammogram to someone who cannot afford it.

P.S. I'm getting in first here, as in HK its already 13/10/13!!! So everyone else who does this game has to buy me ice-cream!!!

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