The Sundowners

One for Dave.

While I slowly got to my feet this morning, Angie and Luna went for a ride on her wire donkey (German "Drahtesel"). Flash, probably fearing hunters, stayed with me. Then I set about some house maintenance, the details of which I will spare you. It was probably the first time it had been done for 40 years and was somewhat overdue. After many mucky hours it was done and a great success but like hoovering, ironing, washing up etc you don't have anything to show for it, just restored the Status Quo.

In the afternoon Angie popped over to Memmingen to have a quick look at a western riding tournament and took the opportunity to do some food shopping at nearby Aldi.

When she got back, Rosie was saddled up and again off she set with Luna. Flash again not wanting to join them, so I packed him in the car and drove him to the point where Angie came out of the forest. Then off he marched. I think it may well be due to the hunters. One day this week there was a very close gunshot at about midday, which is very unusual and Flash & I were outside at the closest point in the garden. He disappeared in to the house for cover. If we have a "problem" with him then it is his hyper over-sensitivity e.g. if we are cross at Luna he thinks he is also at fault. Of course this trait is also one that we dearly love in him.

After Angie's bike ride in the rain, sun came and stayed all day. Not warm but at least dry. Hope all Blipers had a great day - remember tomorrow is SUNDAY and not Monday Eve, so enjoy it.

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