pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

the sky was blue beyond compare

One of my favourite songs and one of my favourite bags from when I was at uni, which alas, I say goodbye to tonight after finding it covered in mould.

For a while now I've felt like something's not been quite right in my room. The walls always feel too cold and a bit damp. Didn't think much of it but then this evening I found tiny specks of mould on lots of random items: shoes, furniture and even some of my clothes.....gross! The thing that really upset me, however, was the amount of mould on my two lovely baskets I got from Madagascar. I've been using them most weekends and they've been absolutely fine but tonight they were covered in green fuzzy fur!! All wiped off and clean now though - phew!

After much googling on the issue, I have reserved a dehumidifier in Argos which I will buy first thing tomorrow morning. Hopefully it'll sort the situation out!

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