All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

I'm Home Mummy!

Got woken up at 3am by Ethan crying - hubbie went through to him ... 30 seconds later Ethan was sick all over him and the carpet! He then threw up some more in the toilet, wailing "no like this Mummy" in between each bout of sickness! One he had it out his system he perked up no end though and ended up wanting to stay up chatting in our bed ... till 5am!

Fortunately he then had a lie in till 8.30am and seemed as right as rain, even insisting he wanted to go to gymnastics.

As I was still feeling a bit iffy and very weak today, hubbie said he would take Ethan out for the day. They ended up being out from 10am - 5.30am, going round some toy shops in Falkirk, to the Falkirk Wheel, then to Hamleys in Glasgow!

Ethan seemed to have a great day and hubbie said he wants to do more "Ethan and Daddy days" on a regular basis. I guess I get lots of "Mummy and Ethan" days but as I'm always around at the weekend hubbie doesn't get much time when it's just the two of them.

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