Intimate moment

More intense in large.

These two tigers were having a snuggle fest. The one on the left was very active; jumping up a wall and roaming all about until she approached the lounging tiger. Once they were together, the active one started to clean the sleepy one, it seemed to be a very welcomed action and they proceeded to get cozy after that.

We went to a small local zoo in Lansing, Michigan called the Potter Park Zoo to find a blip for today. I recalled going to this zoo as a child, but I didn't remember that they had so many large animals. It was a pleasant day to be roaming about the zoo property and my mom and I had a great time. Most of the enclosures, including this one, had wire mesh fences between us and the animals. Great for safety, not so great for photographs... I was occasionally able to aim between the holes and focus on the animals (using a large aperture so the fence disappeared). I loved this shot with the lower tiger looking straight at me, however, with the unfortunate angle of the sun (right at me) the contrast and detail left a little to be desired. That being said, I couldn't pass this one by... it really was my favorite of the 533 images from today. :)

533 RAW images, that I tried to load onto my iPad to process... I purchased the card reader I forgot to pack... so all should go well, right?? WRONG. All the images loaded with a red exclaimation point on them. Not one was useable or even locatable on the ipad... though they did use up 17GB of space. Now I can't get them off of it due to the fact that they don't show up in photos... Arrrgh. Gotta call Apple... what fun. So, yet again Mom's computer saved the day. Why is it that this all worked beautifully at home when I gave the process a trial run???

Thanks so much for all of the attention you gave to my flower yesterday; that was very much appreciated! I'm having a great time catching up with my parents and Grandma this weekend... I'll be sure to catch up with you very soon. :)

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